In our researches we put great emphasis on ecological cleanness, easy handling and economical usage of our products: AZOTER, GreenSoil and SteriClean. It is mandatory to us, that our products fulfill the following strict criteria: products must be non-hazardous to humans and to environment, must contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and must sustain agriculture in the production of healthy food.
As we seek and respond to the feedbacks, opinions and experiences from our farmers, we have gained a comprehensive expertise on different plant cultures, soil and climatic conditions, which enables us to give the right and suitable solution.
Our research and product development are made together with the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of West Hungary and Georgikon Faculty of the University of Pannonia, as well as with the Center for Agricultural Sciences Research Institute for Viticulture and Oenology in Badacsony.
PANNON-TRADE Kft. also plays a significant role in the “Functional Food from Regional Resources“ project, which is part of the “Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013”. Our goal is to produce and distribute agricultural input materials that can be used in organic farming and in functional food processing.